Olufemi Fasina

2019 Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Pathologists
2016 Post-doctoral Fellowship (Molecular Virology), University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Missouri
2014 PhD (Molecular Microbiology and Immunology), University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Missouri
2004 DVM, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Course coordinator, Necropsy Practicum (VPTH 456)
Instructor, Necropsy Practicum (VPTH 456)
Course coordinator, Cellular and Molecular Pathology (VPTH 655)
Anatomic Pathology Residents training
Comparative Pathology and Virology
Diagnostic Pathology, Hepatic Pathology and Neuropathology
Pathology and molecular pathogenesis of enteric viruses
Parvoviridae-host cell interactions, RNA processing and DNA replication
Elucidating the role of m6A RNA methylation in the biology and pathology of ssDNA viruses (parvoviruses, circoviruses)
Newman SJ and Fasina Olufemi O (2019) Meconium aspiration pneumonia and otitis media in two goat kids, J Vet Diagn Invest. 2019 May;31(3):463-466
Fung C, Gould EN, Pfieffer I, Newkirk KM, Fasina Olufemi O, Larson JC, (2019) Suspected iatrogenic seeding of oral melanoma secondary to endotracheal intubation in a dog, J Am Anim Hosp Assoc. 2019 May 17. doi: 10.5326/JAAHA-MS-6756. [Epub ahead of print)
*Yanming Dong, *Fasina Olufemi O, David J. Pintel. (2018) Minute Virus of Canines NP1 protein interacts with the cellular factor CPSF6 to regulate viral alternative RNA processing. Journal of Virology Oct 2018, JVI.01530-18; (*Equal contribution) (Spotlight Article of Significant Interest Selected by JVI Editors)
Patrick J. Sullivan, Fasina Olufemi O, and Andrew C. Cushing. (2018) Bilateral Malignant Seminoma with Ventricular Metastasis in a Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 32 (3), 240-245
Yanming Dong, Fasina Olufemi O, David J. Pintel. (2018) The Human Bocavirus 1 (HBoV1) NP1 protein is a multifunctional regulator of viral RNA processing. Journal of Virology Aug 2018, JVI.01187-18
Fasina Olufemi O, Stupps S, Figueroa-Cuilan W, Pintel DJ (2017) Minute Virus of Canines NP1 Protein Governs the Expression of a Subset of Essential Nonstructural Proteins via Its Role in RNA Processing. J Virol. 2017;91(12): e00260-17 (Spotlight Article of Significant Interest Selected by JVI Editors)
Fasina Olufemi O, Yanming Dong and David Pintel. (2016) NP1 Protein of the Bocaparvovirus Minute Virus of Canines Controls Access to the Viral Capsid Genes via Its Role in RNA Processing Journal of Virology Jan 2016, 90 (4) 1718-1728 (Spotlight Article of Significant Interest Selected by JVI Editors)
Sukhu L*, Fasina Olufemi O*, Burger L, Rai A, Qiu J, Pintel DJ (2013) Characterization of the nonstructural proteins of the bocavirus minute virus of canines. Journal of Virology. 2013 Jan;87(2): 1098-104 (*Equal contribution)
Fasina Olufemi O, Pintel DJ (2013) The adeno-associated virus type 5 small rep proteins expressed via internal translation initiation are functional. Journal of Virology. 2013 Jan; 87(1):296-303.
Venkatesh LK, Fasina Olufemi O, Pintel DJ (2012) RNAse mapping and quantitation of RNA isoforms. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2012; 883:121-9.
Farris KD, Fasina Olufemi O, Sukhu L, Li L, Pintel DJ (2010) Adeno-associated virus small rep proteins are modified with at least two types of polyubiquitination. Journal of Virology. 2010 Jan; 84(2): 1206-11.