Excellence in Education Grants Program


The ISU CVM is pleased to announce the 2024-2025 Excellence in Education (EE) grants program. This program supports initiatives designed to improve the effectiveness and/or efficiency of teaching/learning, the quality of the student experience, and/or the quality of educational scholarship (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) produced at the ISU CVM.

Preference will be given to projects that affect a large number of students in the professional program and achieve one or more of the following: 

  1. Improve effectiveness and/or efficiency of the educational program. (e.g. Achieve similar or greater learning results in less time and/or with fewer resources.)
  2. Improve the student experience. Without compromising learning outcomes, reduce student stress and anxiety or improve student satisfaction.
  3. Improve the efficiency and/or validity of student assessment.

Proposal Guidelines

Proposal Submission Deadline: Deadline has passed for 2024

Amount: $60,000.00 has been allocated for this program, with the expectation of funding multiple grants ranging from $2,000.00 - $20,000.00, depending on the nature and scope of the proposed project.

(Note: proposal submission is not complete until a signed electronic copy is submitted to Xiaoshuang Wei, xswei@iastate.edu.)


  • The PI must be a faculty member or a member of the college staff with a central role in teaching/learning with a regular appointment at the College Veterinary of Medicine. However, faculty members in other colleges, graduate students, post-docs, or other instructional personnel are permitted and encouraged to serve as a Co-PI or collaborator.
  • Although an individual may be an investigator on up to three proposals to this program, an individual can serve as PI on only one. Thus, the same individual may be a PI on one and a co-investigator on two proposals or a co-investigator on three and a PI on none.
  • More than one new proposal can be submitted.
  • A PI who has a current Excellence in Education Grants funded project is not eligible. 
  • Project length can be 1 to 2 years.

Proposal Review
The Excellence in Education grant proposals will be reviewed by an Advisory Committee appointed by the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs. 

Proposal Format

A. Title Page

  1. Title
  2. Investigator(s)
  3. Proposal Type: New
  4. Funds requested for the Project
    • Funds requested for the first year
    • Funds requested for the second year (if applicable)
  5. Duration of the project (maximum of two years)
  6. Signatures of all investigators and respective Department Chair(s) (include date of signature)

B. Project Summary (200-300 word lay language summary of the project)

  1. Statement of the educational objective and/or problem
  2. Proposed solution
  3. Assessment and/or research plan and expected results

C. Body of Proposal (maximum of 3 pages - single-spaced)

  1. Statement of the educational problem and review of relevant literature
  2. Objectives
  3. Strategy for addressing the objectives
  4. Plan for assessing the extent to which the objectives are achieved, and translating results into scholarship.
  5. Project plan
  6. Previous work of investigator(s) related to this proposal (if applicable)

D. References — maximum of one page — single-spaced

E. Biographical Sketch — one for each investigator — maximum of one page

  1. Name
  2. Title
  3. Education
  4. Research & Professional experience: up to most significant/recent publications

F. Current and Pending Support (research related to education) for each investigator

  1. Project title
  2. Source
  3. Amount requested/awarded

G. Single-Column Budget (no indirect costs)

  1. Maximum of one page
  2. Include budget justification on a separate page

Reporting Requirements:
A Progress Report (for Continuation Projects) or Final Report (at the end of the project) are to be submitted each year electronically to Xiaoshuang Wei (xswei@iastate.edu).


2024-25 Recipients

  • "Improving antimicrobial stewardship education by enhancing student resources and educational opportunities related to antimicrobial susceptibility testing in the core curriculum for companion animal medicine," Amanda Kreuder (PI), Aliye Karabulut-Ilgu; Jean-Sebastien Palerme; Albert Jergens; Cathy Miller; David Wong (COI)
  • "Development of an equine caslick's model to enhance veterinary student clinical education," Theresa Beachler (PI), Brian Collins; Jennifer Langel; Tyler Dohlman (COI)