
The list below is the core curriculum for students at the College of Veterinary Medicine. Every effort has been made to make the list accurate as of the date of publication. However, all policies, procedures, fees, and charges are subject to change at any time by appropriate action of the faculty, the university administration, or the Board of Regents, State of Iowa. See policy updates for the most current information.

Approved unanimously by CVM Curriculum Committee 7/27/2016

Iowa State University Catalog

Course Descriptions

Browse by year:


Fall Semester Course Title Credits
BMS 7330 Principles of Morphology I (anatomy) 6
BMS 7333 Biomedical Sciences I (microscopic anatomy/physiology-cells) 6
BMS 7335 Molecular & Cellular Basis of Disease 1
BMS 7336 Veterinary Nutrition 2
BMS 7339 Clinical Foundations I 1
BMS 7345 Case Study I 1
VCS 7311 Careers in Veterinary Medicine R
VCS 7391 Clinical Imaging (Radiology) 1
Total Credits   18
Spring Semester Course Title Credits
BMS 7331 Principles of Morphology II (anatomy) 4
BMS 7334 Biomedical Sciences II (microscopic anatomy/physiology-systems) 6
BMS 7337 Neuroanatomy 3
BMS 7346 Case Study II (clinical correlations) 1
VMPM 7380 Veterinary Immunology 2
VPth 7342 Anatomic Pathology I 3
VDPAM 7312 Introduction to Animal Welfare 1
Total Credits   20

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Fall Semester Course Title Credits
VMPM 7386 Veterinary Microbiology 5
VPth 7372 Anatomic Pathology II 4
VPth 7376 Veterinary Parasitology 4
VPth 7377 Case Study III (clinical correlations) 2
VCS 7313 Veterinary Medical Ethics 1
VCS 7393 Principles of Surgery 3
Total Credits   19
Spring Semester Course Title Credits
BMS 7354 General Pharmacology 3
VMPM 7378 Case Study IV 2
VMPM 7387 Veterinary Virology 3
VMPM 7388 Public Health and the Role of the Veterinary Profession 3
VCS 7394 Principles of Surgery Lab 1
VCS 7395 Small Animal Surgery 2
VCS 7398 Anesthesiology 2
VPth 7425 Clinical Pathology 4
Total Credits   20

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Fall Semester Course Title Credits
BMS 7443 Pharmacology and Therapeutics 3
VCS 7314 Communication and Leadership in Veterinary Medicine 1
VCS 7436 Small Animal Internal Medicine 3
VCS 7444 Small Animal Medicine 4
VCS 7445 Equine Medicine 2
VCS 7449 Surgery Laboratory 3
VDPAM 7450 Disturbances of Reproduction 4
VCS 7385 Grand Rounds Seminar R
Total Credits   20
Spring Semester Course Title Credits
VMPM 7437 Infectious Diseases and Preventive Medicine 3
VPth 7409 Intro to Vet Cytology and Lab Techniques 1
VDPAM 7426 Veterinary Toxicology 3
VDPAM 7445 Production Animal Clinical Medicine 3
VCS 7399 Ophthalmology 1
VCS 7440 Introduction to Clinics R
VCS 7448 Diagnostic Imaging and Radiobiology 3
VCS 7315 Veterinary Law 1
VCS 7385 Grand Rounds Seminar R
Total Credits   15

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The fourth year (summer, fall and spring semesters) is designed to be flexible and to provide for species emphasis. Students must complete 44 credits during their fourth year. They must take a required block and one option block. The required block rotations are multi-species oriented and exist in all types of clinical practice. Preceptorship credit can be earned at approved government agencies, research laboratories, veterinary practices, and other approved university hospitals.

In several cases, students are given the option of choosing between two courses to meet a requirement. For instance, the required block equine requirement can be met by taking VCS 7457 (Equine Medicine), VCS 7464 (Equine Field Services) or VCS 7458 (Equine Surgery). In such cases, students are given the opportunity to provide their preference in the schedule optimizer. However, there are not always sufficient slots to meet all preferences, so some students will not receive their first choice, but will be assigned to the alternative course.

ISUCVM Fourth Year Curriculum; Approval Dates: ISUCVM Faculty, April 29, 2018; Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee, Revised by ISUCVM Curriculum Committee for implementation – 08-20-2018, Revised 8/06/18.

To be awarded the degree Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, candidates must have passed all required courses in the veterinary curriculum, earned a minimum veterinary grade point average of 2.0, and earned at least 4 elective credits during the VM1-3 years. Candidates must also have given a grand rounds presentation (VCS 7495-Seminar).

Total Credits required during senior year: 44

Graduation Requirements: 160


See the following four options:

Small Animal Option

**Small animal option students, VCS 455 and 456 each must be taken at least once.  One of the courses satisfies the overall required block requirement, the other satisfies the small animal option requirement.

Required Block: (Total 20 Credits required of all students)

Course Title Credits
VCS 7453 Small Animal Medicine 2
VCS 7455 or VCS 7456 Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery or Small Animal Orthopedic Surgery (as assigned by the schedule optimizer) 2
VCS 7457/VCS 7464/VCS 7458 Equine Medicine (7457)/Equine Field Service (7464)/Equine Surgery (7458)
(must have one equine course as assigned by the schedule optimizer)
VCS 7460 Radiology 2
VCS 7463 Primary Care 2
VCS 7466 Veterinary Anesthesiology 2
VCS 7468 Intensive Care 4
VDPAM 7477 Food Animal and Camelid Medicine and Surgery 2
VPTH 7456 and 7457 Necropsy and Clinical Pathology (Taken together as one 2-week block) 2
VCS 7495 Grand Rounds Presentations (non-credit) R
Total Credits   20

Required courses for Small Animal Option ONLY= 6 credits:

Course Title Credits
VCS 7453 Small Animal Medicine 2
VCS 7455 or VCS 7456** Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery or Small Animal Orthopedic Surgery (opposite of one as assigned by the schedule optimizer) 2
VCS 7469 Ophthalmology 2


Selective Choices (Total = 0 credits required):

There are no selectives required for this track.


Electives (Total = 18 credits required):

Electives strongly recommended by the VCS Curriculum Committee for students planning on entering small animal or mixed animal practice include:

Course Title Credits
VCS 7409 Oncology 2
VCS 7441 Canine Rehabilitation 2
VCS 7446 Clinical Neurology 2
VCS 7452 Clinical Dermatology 2
VCS 7475 Cardiology Rotation 2
VCS 7482 Veterinary Dentistry and Oral Surgery (not currently offered) 2

Additional electives may include external experiences for credit including: shelter medicine, zoo/exotics (VCS 7459, VCS 7437, and VCS 7423); preceptorships at private, corporate, ISU-affiliated, or public practices/institutions that fulfill the requirements for VCS 7419 (Preceptorships in small animal or equine) for a maximum of 6 credits; and/or any other course offered by the College. Preceptorships, defined as learning experiences or time spent at a veterinary practice away from the College, must follow course guidelines to qualify for credit.

Students may repeat any course offered in the general core, required small animal track, or electives one additional time (above that required) for credit, depending upon availability and with permission of the instructor-of-record for that clinical rotation unless otherwise noted in the ISU Catalog. 

Unscheduled Time Off (Total = 4 blocks [8 weeks]): This time will fall randomly throughout the schedule to allow time for interviews, unapproved preceptorships, additional rotations and/or personal time.

Small Animal Option credit summary:

Required = 20, Option required = 6, Selectives = 0, Electives = 18

Total = 44


Equine Option

Required Block: (Total 20 Credits required of all students)

Course Title Credits
VCS 7453 Small Animal Medicine I and II 2
VCS 7455 or VCS 7456 Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery or Small Animal Orthopedic Surgery (as assigned by the schedule optimizer) 2
VCS 7457/VCS 7464/VCS 7458 Equine Medicine (7457)/Equine Field Service (7464)/Equine Surgery (7458)
(must have one equine course as assigned by the schedule optimizer)
VCS 7460 Radiology 2
VCS 7463 Primary Care 2
VCS 7466 Veterinary Anesthesiology 2
VCS 7468 Intensive Care 4
VDPAM 7477 Food Animal and Camelid Medicine and Surgery 2
VPTH 7456 and 7457 Necropsy and Clinical Pathology (Taken together as one 2-week block) 2
VCS 7495 Grand Rounds Presentations (non-credit) R
Total Credits   20

Required courses for Equine Option = 6 credits:

Course Title Credits required for equine option (total credits: 6**) Credits
VCS 7457 Equine Medicine 2 (unless taken to satisfy core requirement above)** 2
VCS 7458 Equine Surgery 2 (unless taken to satisfy core requirement above)** 2
VCS 7464 Equine Field Services 2 (unless taken to satisfy core requirement above)** 2
VDPAM 7471E Equine Reproduction   2

**NOTE: For Equine Option students, the following rotations must all be taken at least once: Equine Medicine (VCS 7457), Equine Surgery (VCS 7458), and Equine Field Services (VCS 7464).  One of these rotations fulfills the core equine requirement, the other 2 rotations fulfill requirements of the Equine Option.

Selective choices (Total = 12 credits required):

Selectives can usually be taken more than once. Choose from the list below.

Course Title Credits
VCS 7447 Equine Veterinary Diagnostic Skills 2
VCS 7452 Clinical Dermatology (repeatable by permission) 2
VCS 7457 Equine Medicine 2
VCS 7458 Equine Surgery 2
VCS 7464 Equine Field Services 2
VCS 7465 Farrier 2
VCS 7469 Ophthalmology 2
VDPAM 7471C Comparative Reproduction 2
VDPAM 7471E Equine Reproduction 2
V C S 7476E Equine Anesthesia 2
VCS 7481 Equine Dentistry 2

Electives: 6 credits required

Electives may include external experiences for credit (i.e., preceptorships) that fulfill the requirements for VCS 7419, VCS 7423, or VCS 7437 (Preceptorships in small animal, equine. shelter or zoo and exotics), VDPAM preceptorships (VDPAM 7420, 7424, 7479, 7482, or 7485) or any rotations offered in the 4th year. Preceptorships must follow guidelines to qualify for credit.

Unscheduled Time Off (Total = 4 blocks [8 weeks]): This time will fall randomly throughout the schedule to allow time for interviews, unapproved preceptorships, additional rotations and/or personal time.

Equine Option credit summary:

Required = 20, Option required = 6, Selectives = 12, Electives = 6

Total = 44


Mixed Animal Option

Required Block: (Total 20 Credits required of all students)

Course Title Credits
VCS 7453 Small Animal Medicine I and II 2
VCS 7455 or VCS 7456 Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery or Small Animal Orthopedic Surgery (as assigned by the schedule optimizer) 2
VCS 7457/VCS 7464/VCS 7458 Equine Medicine (7457)/Equine Field Service (7464)/Equine Surgery (7458)
(must have one equine course as assigned by the schedule optimizer)
VCS 7460 Radiology 2
VCS 7463 Primary Care 2
VCS 7466 Anesthesiology 2
VCS 7468 Intensive Care 4
VDPAM 7477 Food Animal and Camelid Medicine and Surgery 2
VPTH 7456 and 7457 Necropsy and Clinical Pathology (Taken together as one 2-week block) 2
VCS 7495 Grand Rounds Presentations (non-credit) R
Total Credits   20

Required courses for Mixed Animal Option = 4 credits:

Course Title Credits
VCS 7452 Clinical Dermatology 2
VCS 7469 Ophthalmology 2

Selectives: Group A (Total = 6 credits required):

Selectives can usually be taken more than once. Choose any courses listed as selectives from the Food Animal or Equine Option.

Selectives: Group B (Total = 2 credits required):

Selectives can usually be taken more than once.  Choose from the highly recommended list below and/or any courses listed for the small animal option.

Course Title Credits
VCS 7409 Oncology 2
VCS 7452 Clinical Dermatology (repeatable by permission) 2
VCS 7453 Small Animal Medicine 2
VCS 7455 Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery 2
VCS 7456 Small Animal Orthopedic Surgery 2
VCS 7459A-F Small Animal (Over) Population Medicine and Surgery 2
VCS 7463 Primary Care 2
VCS 7469 Ophthalmology 2
VCS 7476 Veterinary Anesthesiology 2
VDPAM 471E Equine Reproduction 2
VMPM 7486 Laboratory in Public Health 2

Electives: 12 credits required

Electives may include external experiences for credit (i.e., preceptorships) that fulfill the requirements for VCS 7419 (Preceptorships in small animal, equine or zoo and exotics), VCS 7423, 7459 or 7437, VDPAM preceptorships (VDPAM 7420, 7424, 7479, 7482, or 7485) or any rotations offered in the 4th year. Preceptorships must follow guidelines to qualify for credit.

Unscheduled Time Off (Total = 4 blocks [8 weeks]): This time will fall randomly throughout the schedule to allow time for interviews, unapproved preceptorships, additional rotations and/or personal time.

Mixed Animal Option credit summary:

Required = 20, Option required = 4, Selectives Group A = 6, Selectives Group B = 2, Electives = 12
Total = 44


Food Animal Option

Required Block: (Total 20 Credits required of all students)

Course Title Credits
VCS 7453 Small Animal Medicine I and II 2
VCS 7455 or VCS 7456 Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery or Small Animal Orthopedic Surgery (as assigned by the schedule optimizer) 2
VCS 7457/VCS 7464/VCS 7458 Equine Medicine (7457)/Equine Field Service (7464)/Equine Surgery (7458)(must have one equine course as assigned by the schedule optimizer) 2
VCS 7460 Radiology 2
VCS 7463 Primary Care 2
VCS 7466 Veterinary Anesthesiology 2
VCS 7468 Intensive Care 4
VDPAM 7477 Food Animal and Camelid Medicine and Surgery 2
VPTH 7456 and 7457 Necropsy and Clinical Pathology (Taken together as one 2-week block) 2
VCS 7495 Grand Rounds Presentations (non-credit) R
Total Credits   20

Required courses for Food Animal Option = 4 credits:

Course Title Credits
VDPAM 7488/VDPAM 7455 Clinical Microbiology Lab and Diagnostic Lab (Taken together as one 2-week block) (prereq. VDPAM 7310) 2
VDPAM 7476 Food Animal and Camelid Field Services (prereq. VDPAM 7310) 2


Selectives (Total = 10 credits required):

Selectives can usually be taken more than once, but do not dually count. Choose from list below.

Course Title Credits
VDPAM 7420 Preceptorship in Veterinary Medical Practice 1-6
VDPAM 7420A Mixed Animal Practice w Food Animal Emphasis Preceptorship 1-6
VDPAM 7420B General Mixed Animal Practice Preceptorship 1-6
VDPAM 7420C Government Preceptorships 1-6
VDPAM 7420P Poultry Preceptorships 1-6
VDPAM 7421A-T Great Plains Vet Education Center (see dept. complete listing) 1
VDPAM 7422 Beef Cattle Calving (prereq. VDPAM 7310) (NOT CURRENTLY OFFERED) 1-2
VDPAM 7424 Diagnostic Pathology preceptorship 2
VDPAM 7451 Clinical Embryo Transfer 2
VDPAM 7455 Diagnostic Lab Practicum (prereq. VDPAM 7310) 2
VDPAM 7463 Iowa Feedlot (requires VDPAM 7421D taken together in 2 week block) 2
VDPAM 7465 Animal Welfare 2
VDPAM 7466 Animal Welfare Preceptorship 1-6
VDPAM 7471C, E, F Theriogenology: Comparative, Equine, Food Animal 2
VDPAM 7476 Food Animal and Camelid Field Service (prereq. VDPAM 7310) 2
VDPAM 7477 Food Animal and Camelid Medicine and Surgery 2
VDPAM 7478A Swine Production Management and Consulting (prereq. VDPAM 7310) 2
VDPAM 7478B Swine Clinical Pharmacology and Treatment Management (prereq. VDPAM 7310) 2
VDPAM 7478C Swine Emerging Diseases Diagnosis and Management (prereq. VDPAM 7310) 2
VDPAM 7479 Applied Swine Production Medicine Preceptorship (prereq. VDPAM 7310) 1-6
VDPAM 7480 Advanced Swine (prereq. VDPAM 7310) 2
VDPAM 7481 Advanced Cow/Calf (prereq. 2 sem. of VDPAM 7436) 2
VDPAM 7482 Applied Beef Production Medicine Preceptorship (prereq. VDPAM 7310) 1-6
VDPAM 7483 Beef Production Medicine (prereq. VDPAM 7310) 2
VDPAM 7484 Dairy Production Medicine (prereq. VDPAM 7310) 2
VDPAM 7485 Applied Dairy Production Medicine Preceptorship (prereq. VDPAM 7484) 1-6
VDPAM 7488 and 7455 Clinical Microbiology Lab (7488 1 cr.) and Diagnostic Lab Program (7455 1 cr.) (Taken together as one 2-week block)  2
VDPAM 7494 Advanced Dairy Production Medicine (prereq. VDPAM 7310) 2
VDPAM 7495 Advanced Small Ruminant Production Medicine (prereq. VDPAM 7486) 2
VPTH 7456 and 7457 Necropsy (7456) and Clinical Pathology (7457) (Taken together as one 2-week block) 2
VDPAM 7498 Poultry Medicine 2


Electives: 10 credits required

Electives may include external experiences for credit (i.e., preceptorships) that fulfill the requirements for VCS 7419 (Preceptorships in small animal, equine or zoo and exotics), VCS 7423, 7459 or 7437, VDPAM preceptorships (VDPAM 7420, 7424, 7466, 7479, 7482, or 7485) or any rotations offered in the 4th year. Preceptorships must follow guidelines to qualify for credit.

Unscheduled Time Off (Total = 4 blocks [8 weeks]): This time will fall randomly throughout the schedule to allow time for interviews, unapproved preceptorships, additional rotations and/or personal time.

Food Animal Option credit summary:

Required = 20, Option required = 4, Selectives = 10, Electives = 10

Total = 44

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