The College of Veterinary Medicine offers multiple resources for students to assist with career development and finding employment after graduation.
These include a Career Development course on Canvas, an internal ISU-CVM Job Board, and the ISU-CVM Practice Partners Program.
Canvas Career Development Course
This Canvas course collates resources for ISU-CVM students regarding the process of searching and applying for veterinary jobs. This is our veterinary student's one-stop for all information regarding career development.
Topics and modules covered in this Canvas course include:
- Planning your career path in veterinary school
- Searching for job opportunities
- Applying for internships and residencies
- Writing a resume/curriculum vitae
- Writing a cover letter/letter of intent
- Interviewing for jobs
- Negotiating job contracts
ISU-CVM Practice Partners Program
Practice Partners Program is a new program designed to streamline recruiting for employers. Practice Partners (potential employers) engage with ISU-CVM students in four main ways:
- Send digital advertisements about employment opportunities to the online ISU-CVM Job Board (requires NetID login) and for monthly distribution in the Practice Partners Email Digest
- Attend in-person networking and job fairs (IVMA Networking and Job Fair in the fall; SAVMA/VBMA Career Development Workshop in the spring)
- Advertise speakers and topics for educational programming to student clubs and organizations
- Provide individual student career development consulting on-demand
Information About Current Practice Partners
Access requires sign-in with your ISU NetID and password.
- List of current ISU-CVM Practice Partners with general information about each organization
- List of potential speakers and topics for club events offered by Practice Partners
- List of specific contacts from Practice Partners to provide individual student career development consulting (review of resumes or letters of intent; mock interview practice; contract negotiation assistance; etc)
For more information about career development resources or if you have issues or suggestions regarding the Canvas course, please contact Dr. Jessica Ward, Assistant Dean for Extramural Student Programs.
Part-time Jobs During Veterinary School
Part-time employment opportunities for current veterinary students (either during summer breaks or during the semester) can be found on the university's CyHire.