Gayle B Brown

Dr. Brown received her DVM in 1986 from the University of Illinois and her MS in Immunobiology from ISU in 1989. She developed a swine influenza vaccine while working for SyntroVet Inc. in Lenexa KS. Dr. Brown returned to Iowa State University and received her PhD in immunology in 1999. From 1999-2002 Dr. Brown was a relief veterinarian for Novartis Animal Health, Professional Services. She returned to ISU to work for the CFSPH in 2002. She currently maintains and continuously improves the content in the Emerging and Exotic Diseases of Animals web-based course and the Basic Immunology and Principles of Vaccinology web-based course and co-teaches veterinary immunology to ISU students. She received the ISU Outstanding Achievement in Teaching Award in 2018.