Veterinary Students in Guatemala
Izabelle Krupa with dolphin
Hannah Burrows Costa Rica photo collage
Uganda photos of people and animals
Maderas Rainforest Conservancy - Helping People Helps You story
Calie Peterson
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CVM International Programs

You can pursue international study, research, intern, or volunteer opportunities throughout your four years of the DVM program: 1st-3rd year opportunities; international clinical rotations. Get back to your study abroad application/travel registration here

CVM International Programs offer the Hutton International Veterinary Scholarship and the Dean’s International Education Award to support student travel. Awards are between $500-$1,000 per student per experience. To be eligible for the scholarships, you need to receive ISU credits from your international experience. Credit approval process can be found here

All international education related travel must be registered in ISUAbroad. Registered travelers will be covered by the ISU International Health and Liability Insurance.

elephant, giraffe and rhino

Contact Information:
CVM International Programs
2270B Patterson Hall (OASA)
Phone: 515-294-1501

News & Events

instagram CVM International Programs is now on Instagram. You can find us @isucvminternational.