ISU CVM Courses

VDPAM 7408/7508. Poultry Diseases.
(Dual-listed with VDPAM 508). Cr. 2. Alt. S., offered even-numbered years.
Bacterial, viral, parasitic, and nutritional diseases of domestic poultry and gamebirds; biosecurity, immunization, and management procedures to prevent poultry diseases.

VDPAM 7420P. Applied Poultry Production Medicine Preceptorship

Unique, highly relevant, hands-on veterinary experience for participating studentsDevelopment of poultry-specific practice skill sets Documented experience that is highly valued by future poultry employersEnhanced cultural and professional awareness for participating students through interaction with active poultry practitionersExposure to diverse poultry practice and production environments

B M S 7416/7516. Avian Anatomy.
(Dual-listed with B M S 516). (1-2) Cr. 2. Alt. S., offered odd-numbered years. Prereq: One year college biology
Gross and microscopic anatomy of domestic, exotic, and pet birds.

V MPM 7386. Veterinary Microbiology.
(3-5) Cr. 5. F. Prereq: Second-year classification in veterinary medicine
Bacteria and fungi of veterinary importance with emphasis on mechanisms of disease production and laboratory diagnostic procedures.