Dairy Courses

VDPAM 7351. Bovine Embryo Transfer and Related Technology. Cr. 2. S. Prereq: Classification as a second or third year veterinary student.
This course will meet for two hours once each week of the Spring Semester. The first hour will be traditional lecture and the second hour will be a combination of student projects, labs and demonstrations of applied clinical procedures. Bovine embryo transfer and closely related topics such as: female reproductive physiology, estrus synchronization, semen sexing and reproductive disease will be emphasized. In addition, several class periods will be devoted to the use of ultrasound for diagnosis of reproductive and non-reproductive conditions.

VDPAM 7402A. Advanced Dairy Production Informatics: Lecture Series. Cr. 2. S. Prereq: Classification in veterinary medicine.
Advanced coverage of concepts related to collection, manipulation, analysis and reporting of information used by dairy farms and their consultants. Hands on experience with Dairy Comp 305 and PCDart as well as other dairy management and information software.

VDPAM 7402B. Advanced Dairy Production Informatics: Experience I. Cr. 2. F.S. Prereq: VDPAM 402A.
Independent records analysis and reporting of information used by dairy farms and their consultants. Hands on experience with Dairy Comp 305 and PCDart.

VDPAM 7402C. Advanced Dairy Production Informatics: Experience II. Cr. 2. F.S. Prereq: VDPAM 402A, VDPAM 402B.
Independent records analysis and reporting of information used by dairy farms and their consultants. Hands on experience with Dairy Comp 305 and PCDart.

VDPAM 7402D. Advanced Dairy Production Informatics: Experience III. Cr. 2. F.S. Prereq: VDPAM 402A, VDPAM 402B, VDPAM 402C.
Independent records analysis and reporting of information used by dairy farms and their consultants. Hands on experience with Dairy Comp 305 and PCDart.

VDPAM 7416. Bovine Reproduction Evaluation Laboratory. Cr. 1. F.S. Prereq: Classification as a third year student in veterinary medicine. 10 students per section.
Bovine rectal palpation techniques will be repetitively taught in 7 four-hour sessions. Students will also learn techniques of epidural anesthesia, artificial insemination, and ultrasonic imaging. University-owned cattle will be used. Biosecurity policies require documentation of your presence in the USA 5 days immediately prior to the start of class if international travel has occurred. No Wednesday section in Spring semester.

VDPAM 7451. Clinical Embryo Transfer. Cr. 2. F.S.SS. Prereq: VDPAM 351, fourth year classification in veterinary medicine.
Elective clinical assignment in techniques of embryo transfer. Primary species studied will be bovine but equine and small ruminant embryo transfer will be covered during appropriate seasons. Enrollment is limited to four students per two week session. Biosecurity policies require documentation of your presence in the USA 5 days immediately prior to the start of class if international travel has occurred.

VDPAM 7471. Theriogenology: Food Animal. Cr. 2. Prereq: Fourth-year classification in veterinary medicine.
Elective clinical assignment in Food Animal and Small Ruminant Theriogenology involving male and female breeding soundness exams, dystocia management, advanced diagnostic procedures, surgical and nonsurgical insemination programs in small ruminants, and semen cryopreservation. Medical and surgical correction of reproductive disorders in cattle and small ruminants.

VDPAM 7476. Food Animal and Camelid Field Service. Cr. 2. Repeatable. F.S.SS. Prereq: VDPAM 310; Fourth year classification in Veterinary Medicine.
Elective course in food animal and camelid field services. Students will assist university veterinarians in delivering health care and production management services to the ISU livestock farms and other livestock farms in the local area. Focus will be on delivery of individual animal care and establishment of best practices for herd management of production systems at the university and in the region. Biosecurity policies require documentation of your presence in the USA 5 days immediately prior to the start of class if international travel has occurred.

VDPAM 7477. Food Animal and Camelid Medicine and Surgery. Cr. 1-2. Repeatable. F.S.SS. Prereq: Fourth-year classification in veterinary medicine.
Clinical assignment focused on the management of food animal and camelid medicine and surgery cases. Specific instruction in clinical evaluation of cases coupled with appropriate diagnostic testing and therapeutic intervention will be emphasized. Additional instruction will be provided in disease prevention, intensive care and management of food animal and camelid species. Particular emphasis will be placed on appropriate on-label and extra-label drug usage in food animal species. Biosecurity policies require documentation of your presence in the USA 5 days immediately prior to the start of class if international travel has occurred.

VDPAM 7484. Dairy Production Medicine. Cr. 2. F.SS. Prereq: VDPAM 310; Fourth-year classification in veterinary medicine.
Two week course in dairy production medicine combining class time with multiple on-farm visits to learn various management aspects (DHIA, DC305 & PC Dart record analysis, calf rearing through lactating cows, reproduction programs, udder health and milk quality, biosecurity, welfare, nutrition and cow comfort) for a wide variety of dairy operations. Students will learn the latest in dairy management by reviewing current topic articles and gain experience in farm evaluation through a group project. Fifteen hours recitation/discussion and 20 hours clinical experience per week. Biosecurity policies require documentation of your presence in the USA 5 days immediately prior to the start of class if international travel has occurred.

VDPAM 7485. Applied Dairy Production Medicine Preceptorship. Cr. 1-6. Repeatable. F.S.SS. Prereq: VDPAM 310.
Advanced course in dairy production medicine with emphasis on herd management, production analysis, and problem solving. Forty hours clinical experience per week. Assignments will include preceptorships with a practicing veterinarian and/or a production unit. Biosecurity policies require documentation of your presence in the USA 5 days immediately prior to the start of class if international travel has occurred.

VDPAM 7491. Advanced Ruminant Nutrition. Cr. 3. F.
Focus on dairy nutrition from the calf to the adult, lactating cow. Balancing rations for dairy operations. Introduction to different feedstuffs and forage varieties to determine those that are best suited to bovine diets. This course is held the week immediately prior to the start of the spring semester. Biosecurity policies require documentation of your presence in the USA 5 days immediately prior to the start of class if international travel has occurred.

VDPAM 7494. Advanced Dairy Production Medicine. Cr. 2. S. Prereq: VDPAM 484 or permission of instructor.
Advanced course in investigating dairy herd problems relating to milk quality or nutrition. Milk quality and nutrition troubleshooting will be taught through the combination of lecture and on-farm investigations. Students will combine lecture knowledge, data acquired from on-farm investigations and record analysis to generate management plans. Biosecurity policies require documentation of your presence in the USA 5 days immediately prior to the start of class if international travel has occurred.