Spring 2020


A Joint Effort

crush the dog

By the time Crush, a five-year-old German wire-haired pointer, had arrived at the Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center he had already beaten the odds. The initial veterinarians who treated the dog were unsure if he would survive the initial night after he was in a devastating car crash.

“Crush had several signs of trauma,” said Dr. Brian Petrovsky, surgical resident. “When he arrived in the ICU, he had an irregular cardiac rhythm which was being controlled. He was bleeding which was being controlled with blood transfusions, and his hip had luxated.”

Man’s Best Friend


Sheba has always been there for Lauren Berglund. When the roles were reversed earlier this year, Lauren was understandably concerned. Sheba was admitted to the Hixson-Lied Small Animal Hospital suffering from continued bleeding after a dental procedure. “Not only has Sheba been my guide dog for years, she has been and always will be my best friend,” said Lauren who was born with significant vision loss due to a genetic condition.

Meet Bentley - Blood Donor

Bentley the blood donor

Bentley is a regular contributor to the Hixson-Lied Small Animal Hospital. His contributions are not monetary but rather of the liquid variety.

Since June 2016, Bentley, a four-year-old golden retriever, has been a contributor to the Blood Donor Program in the College of Veterinary Medicine. Every other month, Bentley and his owners, Kristi Schaben and her daughter Sammi, come to the small animal hospital so that he can donate blood for dogs who require a blood transfusion.

Dear Clients of the Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center,

Stephanie West

Thank you for choosing the Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center for your veterinary needs. We strive to provide our patients with excellent veterinary care in a variety of specialties, with renowned faculty and staff sharing their knowledge with our next generation of veterinarians and veterinary specialists. We pride ourselves on furthering animal health and well-being with top-notch veterinary care, innovative research, and training programs to support the veterinary profession at all levels. When you bring a patient to us, you have access to the highest standards of cutting edge veterinary care, while furthering the development of new veterinarians trained to provide the best care possible.

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