October 30, 2017
The Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center in the College of Veterinary Medicine has completed the necessary paperwork to become a member of the National Cancer Institute – Center for Cancer Research (NCI-CCR) Comparative Oncology Trial Consortium (COTC).
The COTC is an active network of 23 academic comparative oncology centers that designs and executes clinical trials in dogs with cancer to assess novel therapies. The trials are implemented through the collective caseloads of the consortium membership with trial oversight and data management provided by the CCR – Comparative Oncology Program.
The results of these pet animal trials will be rapidly translated into the development plans for novel therapeutics, diagnostics and prognostics for human cancer patients. The data generated through these studies will be available to COTC members to facilitate larger investigator-initiated pet animal trials that may further complement this translational process.
“This will provide the LVMC with the opportunity to be involved in NCI-COTC clinical research studies along with several additional oncology research opportunities,” said Dr. Chad Johannes, assistant professor of veterinary clinical sciences. “Membership in this network is an important step in taking the hospital to the next level as the oncology program continues to grow at Iowa State.”