May 6th - 4 BMS Ph.D. Students won Research Excellence Awards in the Spring 2019 semester with another BMS Ph.D. Student picking up a Teaching Excellence Award. The award winners are listed below:
BMS TEX Award Winner – Spring 2019
Denusha Shrestha – TAs for BMS 538
BMS REX Award Winners – Spring 2019
Sreemoyee (Sree) Acharya – RA in Dr. Tim Day’s Lab
Hannah Loghry - RA in Dr. Michael Kimber’s Lab
Diou Luo – RA in Dr. Ravindra Singh’s Lab
Sireesha Manne – RA in Dr. Anumantha Kanthasamy’s Lab
April 23rd - Taking the Course to the Students - Read about the BMS Department efforts to engage more students by using a satellite location on Main Campus for a BMS course
Athletic Day Job - Read about BMS Faculty Member Tim Day, and his role at Faculty Athletic Representative
April 8th - Dr. Joe Smith (DVM), who is a BMS Ph.D. candidate, was featured in a video about one of his patients, Angel, a miniature Zebu. The video was produced by The Dodo for its “Comeback Kids” series (season 3). Great job, Dr. Smith!
March 12th - Dr. Anumantha Kanthasamy, BMS Distinguished Professor and Chair, and his research group published a study recently in Science Signaling, regarding the links between Metal Exposure and Parkinson's Disease Symptoms - Read about it here - Researchers explore the link between metal exposure and Parkinson’s symptoms
November 20th - Dr. Tim Day, BMS Department Professor, co-authored the study, published recently in the academic journal Nature Genetics. An international team of scientists conducted genomic studies of 81 worm species, including 45 that had never been sequenced before, and documented nearly a million new genes. - Read about it here - Newly sequenced genomes of parasitic worms could speed development of new treatments, according to Iowa State University biomedical research
Photo Credit - Sreemoyee Acharya, BMS Department PhD student
October 31st - Dr. Anumantha Kanthasamy, BMS Department Chari, is quoted in a Los Angeles Times’ article about the role of the appendix in the development of Parkinson’s disease.
October 22nd - BMS department PostDoc Naveen Kondru wins First Place for his Presentation at the CSSOT (Central States Society of Toxicology) conference in Kansas City - Congrats to Naveen!
October 4th - Dan Luo, Ph.D. who is a PostDoc in the Biomedical Sciences Department gave a seminar on his academic journey and what drew him to research. Watch it via the link below!
September 24th - Dr. Thippeswamy, BMS professor, is recognized for his teaching and bringing A New Approach to Anatomy
August 27th - Dr. Josh Beck, BMS Assistant Professor, gained new insight into how Malaria affects Red Blood Cells
June 12th - Josh Beck awarded Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust Grant
May 3rd - Graduate College Commencement -
3 Non-thesis Master's graduates at commencement (L), 3 PhD graduates at commencement with Dr. Anumantha Kanthasamy and Dr. Arthi Kanthasamy (R)
May 2nd - Richard Martin Named Inaugural Recipient of CVM's Benbrook Chair
April 2018 - Dr. Jinoh Kim, received a grant for "Novel Mechanisms for Distal Transport in Developing and Mature Neurons," from Sanford Research.
April 11th - Iowa State News Service reports on our state of the art Human Anatomy Lab - Iowa State University anatomy lab is finishing its first year with human donors
March 2018 - Multiple BMS Graduate Students win awards at the Society of Toxicology Conference in San Antonio. We won 14 awards in total!
(Pictured Dharmin Rokad accepting his award)
- Dharmin Rokad, 1st place in the Metals Specialty Section Graduate Student Research Award; 2nd place in Carl C. Smith Specialty Research Award; the Medical Devices Specialty Section Graduate Student Award; 1st place in the Central States Chapter Research Poster Competition; and Honorable Mention in the Molecular and System Biology Specialty Section Research Poster Competition
- Bharathi Palanisamy, Seahorse Travel Award
- Melanie Abongwa, 3rd place, Emil A. Pfitzer Award in the Drug Discovery Toxicology Specialty Section Postdoc Research Poster Competition
- Sireesha Manne, 2nd place, Neuro Toxicology Specialty Section Research Poster Competition
- Souvarish Sarkar, Seahorse Travel Award, 3rd place, ImmunoTox Specialty Section; 2nd place, Drug Discovery Specialty Section, Dr. Hariharan Mehendale Graduate Student Best Abstract Award
Not Slowing Down
Congratulations to Dr. William Reece and Dr. Eric Rowe on the publication of the 5th Edition of their textbook Functional Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Dogs
Change Agent: Suzanne Millman
6/14/17 - Support for Cutting-edge Equipment from Carver Trust Stands to Advance New Discoveries at Iowa State
New Iowa State University research will help to refine treatments for global parasitic disease
Bridging the Gap: How the one-year MS program in BMS is helping students achieve their professional goals.
Biomedical Sciences One-Year MS program helps College of Veterinary Medicine reach enrollment record.
Dr. Anumantha Kanthasamy was selected for the President initiative for interdisciplinary research using big data.

Vivek Lawana, current research conference chair, was elected as president for The Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS) with 68 percent of the vote.

Vivek Lawana, Monica Langley, Dilshan Harischandra, and Shivani Ghaisas each won awards at the annual Society of Toxicology meeting last week.
Vivek Lawana: Honorable Mention, Molecular and System Biology SS Honorable Mention, Carl C. Smith award, Mechanism SS
Dilshan Harischandra: Graduate Student Best Abstract Award (1st place) Inhalation Toxicology SS SOT Graduate Student Award Graduate Student Award for miRNA Biomarkers for Toxicology Meeting
Shivani Ghaisas: Third place, Graduate Student Award, Metals SS
Third Place, Toshio Narahashi Graduate Student Poster Award, Neurotoxicology SS Honorable Mention, Carl C. Smith award, Mechanism SS Graduate Student Poster Award, Central State SOT
Monica Langley: First place, Graduate Student Award, Stem Cells SS Charles River Travel Award, Toxicology and Exploratory Pathology SS Third Place, Graduate Student Poster Award, Drug Discovery SS Graduate Student Poster Award, Central State SOT

Dr. Michael Kimber has secured a new NIH R21 grant award to investigate the host-parasite interface during Brugia malayi infection of the vector mosquito, Aedes aegypti.

Dr. Weidong Xu has received a grant from the US Depart of Homeland Security to develop a T-Cell Based Vaccine against African Swine Fever Virus.

Dr. Jesse Goff has secured a new NIH-R15 grant to develop Vitamin D glucuronide prodrugs for colon cancer treatment.

Dr. Alan Robertson has received a new NIH-R21 grant award to characterize a novel nicotinic acetylcholine receptor from the nematode pharynx as a potential drug target.

Take a virtual tour of our department and other ISU graduate programs at YouVisit.

Ghaisas wins best poster at Central States Society of Toxicology (CS-SOT) annual meeting.