Honoring His Memory

Dr. Merlin Van Zee ('03)
Many people in the Burlington community were saddened and shocked when they learned of Merlin Van Zee's passing. A veterinarian and co-owner of Summer Street Animal Clinic, Van Zee treated an untold number of pets and helped countless families over the span of three decades. But on March 2, Van Zee passed away in Pella, Iowa, at the age of 45 after losing his battle with depression and mental illness. He left behind Magon, his wife of 15 years; his three children, Ty, Meadow, and Amos; his parents Arvan and Betty; and many other family members and friends that he made over the years. In the months since his passing, Van Zee's loved ones are still working to honor his memory, as well as educate and help others who find themselves going through the same struggles that Van Zee fought over the years.