News Releases
February 2019
- February 27 - CVM Ranked Among World's Best Veterinary Schools
- February 1 - State-of-the-Art Veterinary Radiation Facility Opens Next Week
January 2019
- January 4 - A Look Back at 2018
December 2018
- December 21 - New Tools for Implementation of NPIP Biosecurity Standards Now Available
- December 20 - Gayle Brown Receives AAVMC Distinguished Teacher Award
- December 6 - Gorden Elected Vice President of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners
- December 6 - Engelken Completes Executive Veterinary Program
November 2018
- November 27 - Zhang Honored by AAAS for Distinguished Work
- November 21 - Schmitt Receives 2018 Science with Practice Award at ISU Swine Conference
- November 19 - New CVM Biomedical Research Could Speed Up Development of New Treatments
- November 9 - Man's Best Research Partner
October 2018
- October 30 - CVM Faculty Trying to Improve Safety and Efficiency in the Development of New Drugs
- October 26 - Stange, Switzer Awards Presented to Vet Med Alumni
- October 22 - Endowed Scholarship Fund Created by Doris Day Animal Foundation
- October 16 - West Receives Outstanding Service Award by the New York State Veterinary Medical Society
September 2018
- September 21 - Halbur Named IVMA Veterinarian of the Year
- September 13 - Regents Approves Planning for VDL Project
August 2018
- August 29 - CVM Faculty, Staff Awards Presented
- August 27 - CVM Scientists Study How Malaria Parasites Take Over Human Red Blood Cells
- August 9 - Biomedical Scientist Receives Department of Defense Grant
- August 1 - Grooms Named CVM Dean
July 2018
- July 26 - ISU will Lead New, National Institute to Fight Antimicrobial Resistance
- July 2 - Vet Med Announces 2018 Stange & Switzer Award Recipients
June 2018
- June 29 - Medical Researchers Look to Nanovaccines to Fight Pancreatic Cancer
- June 14 - Population Sciences in Animal Health PhD Approved
- June 13 - Carver Trust Funds Malaria Research in CVM
- June 4 - CVM Receives $100,000 from PetSmart Charities
April 2018
- April 30 - Texas A&M Gives Claire Andreasen Outstanding Alumni Award
- April 26 - New Vet Med Commons Opens this Summer
- April 25 - CVM Formalizes Agreements with National Chung-Hsing University in Taiwan
- April 19 - College of Veterinary Medicine Receives Full Accreditation
- April 11 - Andreasen Named Initial Holder of New One Health Professorship
- April 11 - Anatomy Lab Finishing First Year with Human Donors
March 2018
February 2018
- February 25 - 14 Days in Ophthalmology - Day 14
- February 1 - Fullgraf Foundation Announces $403,000 Gift to Equine Program
- February 1 - Lawmakers Show Interest in "Getting Started" on VDL
January 2018
- January 30 - Study: VDL Provides 8-to-1 Return on Investment
- January 30 - Officials Urge Pork Producers to Prepare for Foreign Diseases
- January 23 - Taking New Rules in Stride